Orders are processed within 24 hours (Mon-Fri). Delivery eta: small items 1-3 working days, large items 3-5 working days.


Building Products

Quality materials and tools for a whole range of building requirements from house wraps and wall underlays, to tapes, fasteners, access panels, vents, and other building accessories.

We understand the industry

We understand the industry

For over 20 years, Masons’ has been developing and importing a range of products that bring innovation and efficiencies to the building industry. Product service is at the heart of what they do and their expert reps are are simply a phone call away should product support, documentation or advice be required.

Compliance with NZBC

Masons engages the use of professional building compliance companies and expert building product engineers that independently reviews all of Masons’ testing and literature to ensure each product complies with the Code.

Compliance with NZBC

Compliance with NZBC

Masons engages the use of professional building compliance companies and expert building product engineers that independently reviews all of Masons’ testing and literature to ensure each product complies with the Code.

We understand the industry

For over 20 years, Masons’ has been developing and importing a range of products that bring innovation and efficiencies to the building industry. Product service is at the heart of what they do and their expert reps are are simply a phone call away should product support, documentation or advice be required.