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While leaks primarily occur around windows and doors, they also occur at other joints and penetrations of the cladding and trim. The NZBC, therefore, requires flashings to be installed to ensure weather tightness and maintain the overall health of the building. Internal flashings provide a moisture barrier and drainage plane that prevent moisture build-up and deflect moisture to the building exterior. All Redway Internal flashings are manufactured from corrosion-resistant, UV-protected uPVC, and are available from all leading building merchants.

  • All Internal Flashings are manufactured from rigid uPVC and are supplied in 2.7m lengths unless stated otherwise.

  • All products are biologically and chemically resistant to treated materials like framing timber. They will not rust nor react in salt zones.

  • The uPVC compound is stabilised for UV protection as required by the NZBC.

  • It is lightweight, allowing for easy transportation and installation.


Building corners are prone to water leakage due to shrinkage of corner boards, wind exposure and leaky gutters. Installation of corner flashings are therefore a requirement of the NZBC to ensure weather tightness and prevent building deterioration. 

Redways uPVC Corner Flashings are available in 3 sizes (55mm x 55mm, 85mm x 85mm and 105mm x 105mm) and are a simple, yet effective flashing solution. All corners are 2.7m in length. An additional advantage of the Redway design is that every corner flashing is reversible and therefore can be used as an Internal or External corner, giving the installer added flexibility. 

Each Corner should be installed behind the cladding in either a direct fix or cavity situation as seen in the example detail of the right.

View and download available Corner Flashing details in PDF & DWG


Back Flashings (or Flat Back Soakers) are designed to provide a second line of defence behind a vertical control joint to prevent moisture from entering the cavity due to the shrinking of the cladding boards.

Redway uPVC Back Flashings are available in 3 sizes (40mm, 135mm and 160mm) with all profiles supplied in 2.7m lengths.

Each Back Flashing should be installed vertically behind the cladding joint.

View and download available Back Flashing details in PDF & DWG


Cavity to Non Cavity Soakers are designed to be installed behind a vertical cladding junction in a situation where one cladding has a cavity and the other is fixed directly to the stud. The flashing is designed to prevents water intrusion and creates a drainage plane should the seal fail. 

Redway uPVC Back Flashings are available in 3 sizes (50mm x 19mm x50mm, 50mm x 42mm x 50mm and 50mm x 19mm x 100mm) with all profiles supplied in 2.7m lengths.

 View and download available Cavity to Non Cavity Soaker details in PDF & DWG


When water runs down a window, on a windy day it can often be blown back over the sill and into the cavity. To prevent this water from reaching the dry side of the cavity and potentially causing damage, the Redway Brick Kickout Flashing deflects this water and directs it to the wet side of the cavity, away from the building to drain clear.

View and download available Brick Kickout Flashing details in PDF & DWG.


SKUs List
40mm Flat Back Soaker 2.7m

40mm x 2.7m

135mm Flat Back Soaker 2.7m

135mm x 2.7m

160mm Flat Back Soaker 2.7m

160mm x 2.7m

100/19mm Cavity to Non Cav Soaker

100/19mm x 2.7m

150x105mm Cavity to Non Cav Soaker

150/19mm x 2.7m

55x55mm Corner Soaker x 2.7m

55 x 55mm x 2.7m

85x85mm Corner Soaker x 2.7m

85 x 85mm x 2.7m

105x105mm Corner Soaker x 2.7m

105 x 105mm x 2.7m

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