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Barricade FR is a flammability-rated synthetic breather-type flexible wall underlay and air barrier for timber and light-steel framed buildings.

It is manufactured from spun-bonded polypropylene and is coloured white and is available in 2.74 m, 1.37 m and 0.6 m wide rolls. Branded Barricade FR with a customer logo is also available.

Key Benefits
  • Fire retardant

  • Suitable for all wall cladding systems

  • For use on timber or steel framed buildings

  • The product is manufactured from high-quality synthetic spun-bonded material with high UV qualities and gives up to 60 days UV protection

Building Code Provisions
  • B2 Durability – B2.3.1(a); B2.3.2 C3

  • Fire affecting areas beyond the fire source - C3.4(c) E2

  • External moisture - E2.3.2 (contributes to); E2.3.5 (contributes to); E2.3.6 (contributes to); E2.3.7 F2

  • Hazardous building materials - F2.3.1

Conditions of Use and Limitations

Barricade FR is certified for use:

  • On timber framed and steel framed buildings within the scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1 with regards to building height and floor plan area; and situated in NZS 3604:2011 wind zones up to and including ‘Extra High’

  • with absorbent and non-absorbent wall claddings directly fixed to the frame; or installed over an 18mm minimum drained cavity; or with masonry veneer in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1 for timber framed buildings or in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS4 or by specific design for steel framed buildings.

Barricade FR shall be:

  • Installed in accordance with E2/AS1, Clauses 9.1.5 & 9.1.7, or NASH Building Envelope Solutions: 2019 Light Steel Framed Buildings Clauses 9.1.5 & 9.1.7, and the Masons Barricade FR House Wrap Design and Installation Guide v1.0 June 2022

  • Protected from sunlight within 60 days

  • Used with Masons Hydro or 40 Below flashing tapes


SKUs List
Masons BFR Wrap 1.37×18.25

1.37 m × 18.25 m

Masons BFR Wrap 1.37×36.5

1.37 m × 36.5 m

Masons BFR Wrap 1.37×73

1.37 m × 73 m

Masons BFR Wrap 2.74×18.25

2.74 m × 18.25 m

Masons BFR Wrap 2.74×36.5

2.74 m × 36.5 m

Masons Soffit BFR Wrap 0.6×36.5

0.6 m × 36.5 m

BFR Masons Blank 2.74×36.5

2.74 m × 36.5 m

Available In Store

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Frequently asked questions for BFR

Does Barricade FR meet the NZ Building code requirements?

Yes, Barricade FR meets and/or exceeds NZ requirements and is supported with a Codemark certificate providing the highest available quality assurance standards.

Can Barricade FR be used with all cladding types?

Barricade FR is suitable for direct fix and cavity based systems with both absorbent (eg timber/fibre cement) and non absorbent cladding (eg sheet metal, synthetic)

Is Barricade FR fire retardant?

Yes, it is fire retardant.

Can Barricade FR be used on unlined gable ends?

Yes, Barricade FR is compliant for use with unlined gable ends.

Can Barricade FR have cladding fixed directly - ie without a cavity?

Yes, Barricade FR is suitable with direct fix systems, both non-absorbent claddings like sheet metal and absorbent claddings such as timber.

How long can I leave Barricade FR exposed without a cladding in place?

Barricade FR can be left exposed to the elements for up to 60 days while still providing temporary weather protection to frames. Barricade FR does not allow for work to carry on on the inside of the home, see the UNI Range or the Barricade Weather defense system for a product that allows for internal works to continue.

Can I have my companys logo printed on Barricade FR?

Yes, contact your local Masons Account Manager to discuss, (minimum order quantities apply).

The house I am building is in a very high wind zone, can I use Barricade FR?

Yes, Barricade FR is suitable as a stand-alone wrap for wind zones up to and including Very High. Barricade FR may also be used over rigid wall underlays in Extra High wind zones, check with the designer in Extra High wind zones and above.

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