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BrickTies connect the brick veneer to the structural framing of a building and transfer some of the force away from the brick and on to the structural element. Masons BrickTies are available rated Heavy Duty Earthquake or now as a Medium Duty Economy Pack.

Key Benefits

Masons BrickTies can be used to tie any masonry veneer to a structural frame. Available as galvanised steel or stainless steel. The stainless steel finish will provide strong corrosion resistance, and this means the product can be used in sea spray zones.

  • Masons BrickTies are manufactured to comply with AS/NZS2699.1.2000

  • Choice of Rated Heavy-Duty Earthquake or a Medium Duty Economy Pack

  • Can be used to tie any masonry veneer to a structural frame

  • Available in three lengths: 90mm, 110mm and 135mm (Med Duty is only 90mm)

  • Available in hot dipped galvanised and 316 stainless steel (Med Duty is Galvanised Steel)

  • Using 316 stainless steel provides ultimate durability for houses in sea-spray zones

Please note: We have discontinued our 85mm BrickTies (stainless steel and galvanised).
90mm BrickTies are the replacement product, and we have plentiful supplies.

Technical Data

A full document data sheet is available in the document downloads of this page along with 2 flyers: One for the Heavy Duty Ties and one for Medium Duty Box of Ties

The following is to be used as a guide only:

Approx. 5 brick ties per m2 | 100 ties per 1000 bricks


SKUs List
90mm Hot Dipped Galvanised.

QTY - 250
Zone - Normal

90mm Hot Dipped Galv. Self Drilling Screws for Steel Frames

QTY - 250
Zone - Normal

90mm Stainless Steel

QTY - 250
Zone - Sea Spary

90mm Stainless Steel. Self Drilling Screws for Steel Frames

QTY - 250
Zone - Normal

110mm Long Hot Dipped Galvanised

QTY - 250
Zone - Normal

110mm Long Hot Dipped Galv. Self Drilling Screws for Steel Frames

QTY - 250
Zone - Normal

110mm Long Stainless Steel

QTY - 250
Zone - Sea Spray

110mm Long Stainless Steel. Self Drilling Screws for Steel Frames

QTY - 250
Zone - Sea Spray

135mm Hot Dipped Galvanised

QTY - 250
Zone - Normal

135mm Stainless Steel

QTY - 250
Zone - Sea Spray

90mm Galvanised Medium Duty Brickties in a Box

Qty: 250 screws and Ties

Frequently asked questions

Are Masons BrickTies suitable for earthquake prone regions or jobs requiring Earthquake Heavy Duty Ties?

Yes, the majority of Masons range is rated earthquake heavy duty and therefor suitable for almost all builds.

What is the lump in the middle of the BrickTie?

This is a unique water stop feature that even if during settlement of incorrect installation will help prevent moisture tracking toward the frame,

Does Masons offer Stainless Steel BrickTies?

Yes, Masons provides a full range of high quality 316 stainless steel ties.

What sizes do Masons BrickTies come in?

Masons offer 90mm, 110mm, and 135mm ties

Where can I buy Masons BrickTies?

Any building merchant in NZ can get Masons BrickTies for you and most major merchants now stock our ties.

I am working with a Steel frame , does Masons sell a BrickTie and screw combination suitable?

Yes, available in all sizes

I am assembling my wall in a stack bond pattern and think I may need further strengthening of the wall can Masons help?

Masons provide a wide range of Brick and block products, this includes the bricklock and blocklock range ideal for binding and strengthening wall systems like a stackbond lay pattern.

Are Masons brick ties NZ made?

Yes, Masons still make BrickTies in New Zealand, as demand has increased we now also import product to supplement the stock.

Can I use Masons BrickTies in both wet and dry bed applications?

Yes, MasonsTies can be used in both installation methods.

How many brick ties do i need per square metre?

Approximately 5 ties per square metre so 100 ties per 1000 bricks

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