Masons Insul-Baffle is a crenelated semi-rigid synthetic spacer. Made from clear plastic, it's installed over the rafters or truss top chords, typically near the eaves, where it is likely bulk thermal insulation may push up against the roof underlay.
Key Benefits
Masons Insul-Baffle is designed to separate roof underlay from bulk insulation where these elements may come into contact, or the required 25mm gap between them cannot be maintained. It assists in meeting the requirements of NZS 4246:2016.6.2.10.
It also allows a path for air movement as part of a passive–stack ventilated roof space design. Masons Insul-Baffle incorporates ‘Dragon Channels’ to increase rigidity and aid air to cross flow.
Open Area
A minimum 25mm air gap between insulation and the roof underlay is required, this equates to an open area of 25,000m㎡ per Lm. Masons Insul-Baffle exhibits an open area of circa 32,000m㎡ per Lm. Allowing for possible variations during installation, reducing open area due to bulk insulation intrusion, truss chord blocking air channel, or deformation of crenelations an open area of 25,600m㎡ is realistic.
Scope of Use
Preserves an air gap. Typically used to ensure roof insulation is separated from bulk insulation where the roof underlay and insulation may be pressed together near the eaves.
Contributes to air flow. When used as part of a passive roof space ventilation design.
Suitable to be used in long run or metal tile clad truss framed pitched roofs, either timber or light steel framed. It may be used in new roof or re-roof installations with either trusses or rafters.
Not suitable for use in Skillion roofs, these require different design solutions.
1. Plan for Insul-Baffle to be run parallel with, and for the full length of the building eaves. It is placed over the truss chords or rafters near the eaves. The edge of the Insul-Baffle should align with the top plate of the wall frames, or may over hang slightly.
2. Install Insul-Baffle placing a crenelation over the first truss chord or rafter in the run. Secure it with staples, flat head clouts or wafer head screws.
3. Unroll the roll fully, arrange and place Insul-Baffle crenelations over the roof framing to suit the framing centres. Ensure the Insul-Baffle edge is running parallel with the eaves and finishes at the outer edge of the top plate as a minimum.
4. Do not stretch the Insul-Baffle out – use light tension only to prevent sagging, but be sure to avoid deformation of the crenelations through stretching out excessively.
5. Fix using staples, flat head clouts or wafer heads screws.
6. If there is delay installing other roof elements, insulation, in windy conditions or where trusses or rafters are widely spaced, then additional restraint may be required. Masons Wrap Strap 19 or 25mm may optionally be installed over the Insul-Baffle and fastened to the roof framing.
7. Where Insul-Baffle rolls are joined, overlap by at least 1 full crenelation and make the join on framing.
8. When two parallel runs of Insul-Baffle are specified to create a 1200mm wide separation – install with crenelations aligned between rolls so air can flow unimpeded.
Limitations Install roof cover within 21 days of installing Insul-Baffle.
Refer to drawings in the downloads section of this page
Clear plastic is recyclable. Masons recommend contacting the local council or waste stream recycling providers in your locality for advice on who can accept clean, dry, fixing free Masons Insul-Baffle for recycling.
Store in cool dry conditions in original cardboard boxes until installation.
15 years, installed per instructions, durability is expected to be for the life of the roof cladding or roof underlay.
Browse downloadable product files.
45mm x 650mm x 6Lm