Please note: Our warehouses and offices in Auckland and Christchurch will be closed on Thursday 13th March. We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.



Cem-Gon is a non-hazardous/non toxic formula prepared from natural and organic chemistry ingredients. It will remove concrete slurry, grout and plaster splashes from substantial intact construction materials including aluminum powder-coated joinery, asphalt, stainless steel, and copper.

Application Instructions

To remove cement-based product splashes liberally apply undiluted CEM-GON from a spray bottle.

  • Keep a constant application of CEM-GON to the reacting surface while CAREFULLY working the solids with a hand-held spatula for 5 to 15 minutes.

  • Also, use a blunt broad knife (25-30mm width blade) with plenty of water flowing over the splash whilst lightly shifting any remaining residue.

  • TAKE EXTRA CARE removing a final layer of cement matrix to AVOID surface abrasion. Patience is the key. Rinse well with water.

    CAUTION: For age paint systems, take extreme care to avoid further deterioration during all processes. If in doubt take photographs or appoint an assessor. Protect all other concrete or cement-based products, fibrolite, limestone, marble, plaster, and gib surfaces.

    RECOMMENDATION: Do a test patch 1 hour prior to starting.

Storage and Handling
  • It is recommended that CEM-GON be placed in secure storage, labeled and out of reach of children.

  • All containers must have securely fastened lids or caps and care must be taken to avoid spills.

  • During handling of CEM-GON protect hands and eyes from contact.

  • Use plastic sheeting on floors and protect clothing material.



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SKUs List
CEM-GON 500 ml Spray bottle

500 ml bottle

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